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Garden Center Local Delivery

Yes, our Garden Center can deliver your order!


$65.00 - Base Charge

To:  Erie, North East, Harborcreek, Fairview, Millcreek,

Lake City, and Girard


-An additional $10.00 charge per plant for MACHINE-DUG rootballs, never exceeding $95.00




$75.00 - Base Charge

To:  Edinboro, McKean, Union City, Waterford, and Corry


-An additional $10.00 charge per plant for MACHINE-DUG rootballs, never exceeding



Due to the fact the large trees weigh between 500-1000 pounds there will be a $10.00 surcharge added to the base charge ($65.00 or 75.00) for each large ball to be delivered and placed by planting stake.



Due to circumstances beyond our control we cannot guarantee exact day or time of arrival of delivery. You need not be home at time of delivery. Place stakes for the placement of trees as soon as possible for ease and convenience to you and our delivery person.

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