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Capisicum 'Trinidad Scorpion Moruga' TRINIDAD MORUGA SCORPION PEPPER

Capisicum 'Trinidad Scorpion Moruga' TRINIDAD MORUGA SCORPION PEPPER

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion100 to 120 Days - One of the hottest peppers currently known!  Originating from the Caribbean Islands, this wrinkly pendant-shaped pepper has a SHU rating of 1.2 million to 2 million, making it 500,000 SHU hotter than the Ghost Pepper and over 400 times hotter than a jalapeno.  A variant of the Trinidad Scorpion (world's 2nd hottest).  Ripens to red.  Handle with care.  Rare and limited in quantity. 


    We do have seed packs of many other vegetables located in the Garden Center office for spring garden center sales.  Call (814) 739-2820 for availability.

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